We gather, looking forward to our eternal home…

… to edify one another,

… to teach and learn from one another.

Christians loving and sharing the news of God our Father,

Jesus Christ our Savior and King, and the Holy Spirit our Comforter.


1 Corinthians 14:26 “…Whenever you come together, each one has a psalm, a teaching, a revelation, a tongue, an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification.”

1 Corinthians 14:40 “But let everything be done decently and in order.”

Hi, this is Chad and Connie based in Charlotte, NC. We have been on a 10-year journey rediscovering what “church” and fellowship were meant to be biblically vs. the institutional approach that is prevalent today. We have been married 27 years and are so blessed to have three adult children and one precious granddaughter.

Thanks to the Lord’s guidance, we are in the process of seeding and attending Christian gatherings of believers around Charlotte NC, who meet in houses, restaurants, parks, etc. It’s a shared-responsibility first century assembly. We break bread at our potluck suppers to remember and be thankful for the sacrifice of our Jesus Christ. Our story and more is provided in the details of the About Us page. It’s our hope and joy to meet others that are open to letting the Word speak out of the Bible, and to leave unproductive man traditions behind.

Who Are We?

Explore more about us and exactly what we are striving to do, to take advantage of the highly relational and shared responsibility of the first century Christians model for assembling the body of Christ…for edifying, teaching, sharing and loving. We want to live the Christianity that Christ intended, and Paul laid out clearly in 1 Corinthians 14. It is unsettling at first, believe us. We look back and think our prior selves would’ve thought we were off our rockers. The Lord has opened our eyes, as we let the Holy Spirit guide and comfort us through all the trials we have faced. It different from “church”, and thankfully so much more edifying. Learn how…


Contact Us

Interested in speaking with us to help understand more about this HomeWord Fellowship? Please contact us here. We are excited to speak with you about what the Lord is accomplishing and how we can introduce you to the group. Looking for answers or are new to the saving faith in Jesus Christ, we too would like to hear from you.